Name: Team Rocket
Price: 25.00 20.00 USD

Join up with Team Rocket by buying this supporter package! By joining, you'll get a cool in-game rank, a free shiny starter of your choice, access to a weekly kit filled with supplies, and a bunch of commands! Such as..

- Corrupter and Spiritual Crate Key!
-/Feed - Low on food and need a quick fix? /Feed has you covered!
-/PC - Turn your PC into a Portable PC! /PC anywhere, anytime.
-/Sethome x20 - Thats right, you now get a total of twenty homes instead of ten!
-/Trails - Tired of walking around without any swagger? Get access to the following trails: Witch Magic, Enchantment, Music Note,  and Lava.

-/Kit Claim TeamRocket - A kit full of supplies straight to your inventory.
Contains: 32 Great Balls, 16 Love Balls, 16 Quick Balls, 8 Net Balls, 8 Dusk Balls, 8 Level Balls, 8 Dive Balls, and  10 Rare Candies. 

As well as the following from Team Star:

- Shiny Crate Key!
-/Workbench - Open a workbench from anywhere!
-/Nick - Get yourself a cool in-game nickname!
-/Hat - Tired of your head? Make it a block!
-Trails -  Slime, Splash, and Cloud.

*Kit is only usable once every 7 days, or every 168 hours. Team Rocket cannot use the Team Star kit.